
The Best in Guided Oryx Hunting:

Since the 1960s this free range population of oryx has been growing and gaining popularity in New Mexico. The population numbers are well managed by the White Sands Missile Base and New Mexico Game and Fish. Hunters must first draw the once-in-a-lifetime hunt or off range hunt tags through the NM lottery. Non-residents who do not have much time to hunt will want to apply for the Rhodes Canyon, Stallion Range or McGregor missile ranges for the best hunts.   They are low draw odds but world class hunts and experience!

We love the off range guided hunts and have one of the best success rates in the state for off range hunters. It’s a great choice for hunters from out of state hunters who are looking to expand their hunting season.
For on range hunters, guides will take you to the missile range for the Friday safety briefing and to and from hotel/motel rooms for the hunting days (Friday-Saturday-Sunday). All guided oryx hunts are 1◊1 hunts; and should enjoy a success rate of about 99%. Guided hunts on Rhodes Canyon or Stallion Range offer the very best in trophy quality and animal numbers. McGregor hunts offer great chance to experience these hunts as well, and are not once in a lifetime hunts. Success rates are about 99% on the McGregor guided oryx hunts as well. You are on your own for meals and lodging on these hunts.

Off range hunters will hunt for 5 days, success rates have been in the upper 90’s. Guides will let you know where to make reservations for hotel 24-48 hours before the hunt start.  You will travel to and from hunt areas with the guides each day.  Please call me with questions about these hunts!  You are on your own for meals and lodging on these hunts.

Seasons are year round

Please contact me to talk about the best hunting areas (505) 801-7500.

Deadline for the draw is in the early part of the year, call today!

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off-range-oryx-hunter MI-oryx-hunts guided-oryx-hunts guided-NM-oryx broken-horn-oryx-hunting-gu
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Guided oryx hunts on White Sands Missile base: Stallion Range, Rhodes Canyon or McGregor Range:

Guided hunting for the day’s hunters are allowed to hunt, 1 x 1 with motel/hotel pickup and drop off.


Guided off range oryx hunts:

Hotel/motel pick up and drop off, 1 x 1 guided service. Let our off-base expertise help you get going on this great hunt.

Off Range Rates:

$5,500*/5 day

Private Land Oryx hunts (Over the Counter tags)
Guided Private land oryx package:

Hotel/motel pick up and drop off, 1 x 1 guided service. Let our incredible ranches help you to the hunt of your dreams, you will love this freezer filler for sure!

Private Land Rates:

$6,000*/5 day
$3,000 kill/blood fee

*Meals and lodging are not included in the hunt price on any oryx hunts.

Reservation and cancellation policies:
Once you draw, a deposit of 50% is due for all New Mexico hunting packages. Full
payment is due before August 5th; all hunts prices are plus NM state licenses and tax.
Your deposit will be refunded only if YOU can fill your spot with a new hunter. Trip
insurance is advisable: hunters that do not show or cancel reservations after the draw will
be billed the full hunt cost. Disputes over billing will be handled in the Courts of San Juan
County New Mexico between March 1st and August 15th only.
Call us to Book a Hunt
(505) 801-7500

Be sure to check us out on Facebook-iconFACEBOOK as well for up to the minute photos
and reports!

Call or email us today for more information: 505-801-7500 or info@compasswestoutfitters.com

Equal opportunity employer and provider, operating under permits from the San Juan National Forest as well as the Rio Grande National Forest. We are licensed by DORA (#1929) since 1997. Insured by Philadelphia and bonded by Western Surety, copies furnished on request.

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