New Mexico – Mule Deer
New Mexico Mule Deer Hunting Unit 30 and 34, Unit 2B, Unit 2C, Unit 7:
We specialize in guided trophy mule deer hunts, in only the finest areas of New Mexico.
New Mexico has long been known for its huge elk and monster mule deer. The areas that we mule deer hunt in New Mexico offer the best chance at the mule deer of a lifetime. Many of the mule deer taken on our guided hunts in unit 2A, Unit 2B, Unit 2C and Unit 7 are over 170” and we harvest deer over 200” almost every year. In fact the county that we guide in New Mexico is #1 for B&C mule deer entries in the world. You will enjoy mule deer hunting in New Mexico in the high mesa country with a mix of pinion, juniper and large sage flats broken up by sandstone valleys and seemingly endless country made for glassing with guides that specialize in trophy mule deer hunting. You will find no better hunts in the state. Our hunts are all draw only, you have no options for landowner tags or over the counter tags here, that’s why we have the quality of deer we do. Your draw odds are low, but in New Mexico we have no preference point system! You are on the same playing field as all other hunters, take a chance it’s the only way we can help you hang that monster you have been dreaming of on your wall.
What to Expect on Guided Days:
You are here to hunt and we keep that in mind; most guided days are FULL days. We are more than willing to meet your needs and adjust to whatever schedule you would like to keep, but the guides treat every hunt like a once in a lifetime hunt. For mule deer hunts you will likely be in the field all day. You can glass in the afternoons as well as try some spot and stalk or tracking. Days start before dawn, you and your guide will be heading to the best looking area for your hunt. Once there, you will take advantage of the guides skills to find your mule deer.
Guided Mule Deer Hunts Unit 30 and 34
Guided Mule Deer Hunts Unit 2B
Guided Mule Deer Hunts Unit 2C
Unit 29, 30 and 34 guided mule deer hunts offer incredibly high draw odds (99%) as well as some super personal trophy deer. This is a great true western open desert country deer hunt. Hunting from our fixed tent camp in the middle of the action! Comfortable wall tents, full time cooks hot water running showers offer you the hunter that full western dream experience. We also lease over 100,000 acres of private ground in the same area, and you’re welcome to hunt that as a part of your package.
Unit 29, 30 and 34 guided hunts (rifle) 2×1
29, 30 and 34 January (bow) 7 days 2×1
Unit 30 and 34 guided muzzleloader hunts 2×1
Unit 30 Youth ONLY Hunts 7 days 1×1
$5,500 Includes parent as companion
1×1 hunters add $1000 to list prices
Unit 2B guided mule deer hunts in New Mexico will have you into strong numbers of deer most years. With about a 150-170 inch average on dry late winter years and as high as 170-180 inches in 2B on premium weather years. This is a great historic unit here in New Mexico with great draw odds. This unit offers wonderful hunting but does require a migration of deer from Colorado to be at its best. You have 3 rifle hunts here to choose from, the best hunt is the last of the three. This late hunt give you the very best opportunity to take advantage of the migration of deer into the area. We enjoy the early hunts as well and have a number of guides who work in the oil-gas industry behind the locked gates here allowing you to know just where the deer are. We have taken a pile of 180-200+ deer in this unit since 1999 with success rates being driven by the weather conditions and migration. Winter bow hunts are one of the best hunts in the western US for monster mule deer with your bow. Please feel free to talk with me anytime about these great hunts or to call me if you have drawn a tag on your own. Muzzleloader hunts are a little tough in this area, call me about the muzzleloader hunts before you apply or if you have drawn a tag.
Unit 2B (rifle) 1×1, 3rd Rifle Only
$6,000 plus lodging and meals
Unit 2B Youth Hunts 7 Days 1×1
$6,000 plus lodging and meals
2B January (bow) 7 days 1×1
$6,850 plus lodging and meals
Unit 2C, hard to draw impossible to forget!
We have been almost 100% harvest on this hunt since it was designated a separate unit from 2B. This incredible unit offers some of the best trophy resident bucks in the state. This unit (unlike unit 2B) is not a migratory unit requiring deer to be pushed into the unit by weather or rut activity. Both the rifle and muzzleloader and bow hunts are incredible in this unit. From watching bucks drop horns in the spring to trail cameras all summer we are on top of our game here, our guides live right in the area. Over the past years our hunters have harvested bucks that scored, 211″, 219″, 195″, 236″, 199″, 197″, 196″ Boone and Crocket and many other true trophy deer as well. When you look at the quality of bucks that we are harvesting in unit 2C on guided hunts, remember that with tags so hard to draw we are guiding 1 hunter on the rifle hunt, 1 hunter on the muzzleloader and 1-2 on the bow hunts. So those numbers are average deer we are taking! Our winter bow hunts in unit 2C are without question the best bow hunt in the world for truly monster deer! 4×4 trucks are the ticket here on guided hunts in unit 2C. Access to the entire area of the unit is easy with local guides that know every buck and every road. Spot and stalk hunt from the truck, most days you will use trucks to cover ground stopping to glass along the way. Once deer are located they will be hunted spot and stalk or tracked out in the sandy soil of the area. The old school tracking method of hunting is truly the most effective in the area, and gives hunters a once in a lifetime experience hunting in one of the oldest methods of hunting. You could be hunting from sunrise to sunset if you choose. Step back in time here in New Mexico and into the record books with the monster trophy mule you have been dreaming of!
Unit 2C (rifle)
$6,500 plus meals and lodging
Unit 2C (muzzleloader)
$6,500 plus meals and lodging
2C January (bow) 7 days
$6,950 plus meals and lodging
2C January 10 or 15 Day Hunt
Call For Prices
Reservation and cancellation policies:
Once you draw, a deposit of 50% is due for all New Mexico hunting packages. Full
payment is due before August 5th; all hunts prices are plus NM state licenses and tax.
Your deposit will be refunded only if YOU can fill your spot with a new hunter. Trip
insurance is advisable: hunters that do not show or cancel reservations after the draw will
be billed the full hunt cost. Disputes over billing will be handled in the Courts of San Juan
County New Mexico between March 1st and August 15th only.
Call us to Book a Hunt
(505) 801-7500
Be sure to check us out on FACEBOOK as well for up to the minute photos
and reports!
Call or email us today for more information: 505-801-7500 or
Equal opportunity employer and provider, operating under permits from the San Juan National Forest as well as the Rio Grande National Forest. We are licensed by DORA (#1929) since 1997. Insured by Philadelphia and bonded by Western Surety, copies furnished on request.